My Portfolio

Hello, I'm a software developer.

Checkout some of my recent work below.



Full Stack IOS app to track Movies and TV Shows

  1. - Used TMDB API for data
  2. - Backend in Typescript with NextJS Rest API
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Mini game to guess the artist based on a snippet of a song

  1. - Built with NextJS, TRPC, Typescript, TailWindCSS and Drizzle ORM with Postgres
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Post Office Simulator

A web app to simulate a postoffice to deliver packages

  1. - built with nodejs http and trpc with react
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Fuel Price App

Fuel quote price app

  1. - Built with T3 stack NextJS, tRPC, React, Prisma
  2. - Created a simple authentication system
  3. - Designed the app in figma and built the app with Tailwind
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